On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Summers Pittman <supittma(a)redhat.com>
I'll skip the questions DanBev Answered.
On 10/14/2014 03:46 AM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Summers Pittman <supittma(a)redhat.com>
> TL;DR; Watch this repo over the next few days :
> Currently I am researching integrating the sync client technology that
> DanBev, LolQuist et al have been working on into Android all proper
> like. Danbev wrote a POC demo a while ago* which uses the Java
> websocket client.
what java client was used?
> This seems to work "OK" but there is a lot of work
> getting websockets working right on Android.
> However, Google has a two
> way messaging protocol built into Google Play Services on top of GCM.
> This is the technology I am trying to introduce to the sync systems in
> this branch.
> This branch includes a fork of the server library and a fork of the
> client library which interact with GCM on the client and XMPP on the
> server side. Right now it compiles and not much else. However, because
> the server is decoupled from the connection handling, adding in the
> correct hooks has been rather simple. There are going to be some issues
> to hammer out once this gets past "compiling" and makes it into
> "demoable".
> First, the server does not receive implicit connect/disconnect messages
> from Google per device. Google does send Ack/Nack messages however so
> with some bookkeeping connections/shadows/etc can be properly
> maintained. There is a similar mechanism on the client side; however,
> we may need to expand the sync protocol to include some kind of heartbeat.
> Second, the sync server isn't multitenant. This means that until we
> figure out how to merge, things listening to WebSockets don't hear
> things listening to XMPP or see updates from one to the other.
on our sync-server, can't have have different "endpoints" (e.g. xmpp,
that all connect to its heart, the Netty-based DiffSync engine?
> Finally, Google Play Services is not FOSS by any stretch of the
> imagination. However, having a single connection managed by the OS is
> great for usability, speed of development, battery life, etc so I feel
> like this is more getting mileage out of the chunk of my soul I tossed
> in the black Googley shredder for UPS and less of a deal breaker.
not sure I follow here
Google Play Services is proprietary software. I would prefer to keep as
much stuff open source as possible.
ah, ok
Since we have already agreed that leaning on GPS is OK, I don't feel as bad
about using it again.
yeah, I agree it's not a bad thing to leverage that
> As I've said right now, today, this code is work in progress. Soon it
> will be proof of concept and we can discuss how to work around these
> issues and merge the ideas back into mainline.
looking forward to that.
> --
> Summers Pittman
> >>Phone:404 941 4698
> >>Java is my crack.
> PS: WebSocket's biggest problems are maintaining connections and
> performing message redelivery in a sporatic connection scenario. This is
> one of those things which is a lot of work to get right both on our end
> as service providers and on the developer's end as consumers.
> Additionally, Android L is going to include a lot more end user
> configurability which will affect when/how messages are delivered.
any link to share?
Specifically I had the Job Scheduler APIs in mind.
> To
> do WebSockets right we will have to respect those settings as well. It
> is my assumption (we all know what that means) that Google Play Services
> will correctly enforce data/power settings out of the box as well as
> correctly maintain messaging connections and delivery.
instead of having our Android lib do a WS connection (including all the
required work for maintaining etc), we could leverage the XMPP from GCM.
That's the prefered route you are suggesting, right ?
Yes. XMPP is only exposed on the server side. On the client side it
looks like Push notifications and calling a send method on the gcm client.
sounds good.
ANDROID <----> GCM <------> Sync-Server
This would allow us, to do more than we do atm on "pure" push
notifications, via GCM. In this scenario we can do a two way communication:
Android client can send data to Sync-Server (via GCM), and receive
"diff" from the server, via GCM.
sounds good!
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Matthias Wessendorf
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Summers Pittman
>>Phone:404 941 4698
>>Java is my crack.
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Matthias Wessendorf