On 10/08/2014 10:49 PM, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
Good morning,
Today we had a meeting to discuss some of the priorities for security on
AeroGear[1]. One of the items is OAuth2 support. Currently we have
several great examples and implementations for GDrive, flows for
Keycloak and etc.
Although is a bit confuse for developers getting started from scratch.
I would like to keep our libaries aligned, considering the limitations
of each technology of course, as well consolidate each flow[2].
Also the team agreed that OpenID connect (with Facebook and Google) should be considered
a low
priority at the moment. That said I have some open questions:
- Should we provide separated SDKs for OAuth2? Or let's put everything
into *-auth and break into modules later?
*-auth should, IMHO, contain everything
necessary to create an OAuth2
connection to anything that isn't broken. However, *-auth-facebook,
*-auth-google, *-auth-herpDerpDeHur, etc may be useful to be full of
convenience classes.
ON Android it may even be useful to have a *-auth-accountmanager to make
working with Androids native token service easier.
Note: Not only for Keycloak, but also compatible with other technologies
like passport on Node.js. In the end, OAuth2 is just a protocol and
should support other servers.
- Should we provide examples for OpenID connect? Or abstractions?
To track this issue, we have the following Jira[3] and another for
OpenID connect[4]. Fell free to link to your respective project.
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
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