No problem, I understand. With more details, we might be able to investigate—
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Miguel Lemos <miguel21op(a)>
No favor. I'm not near a PC..,
As I told before, I've already sent a log related to a similar problem a month ago, I
Anyway: this is a recurring problem that deserves a deep attention, I think.
Enviado do meu iPhone
No dia 23/04/2014, às 12:41, "Bruno Oliveira" <bruno(a)>
> Hi Miguel, if you make us a favor and send the logs next time, that would help a
> Is hard to guess, because we don't have control over the OpenShift's
> —
> abstractj
>> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 6:42 AM, Miguel Lemos <miguel21op(a)>
>> I made a reset to OShift and it's working again.
>> This is really an issue that one way or another should be solved...
>> Enviado do meu iPhone
>> No dia 23/04/2014, às 09:52, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
>>> One thing to have in mind:
>>> Openshift does a shutdown of the JBoss AS, after a 48 hours w/ no traffic.
>>> Than, the next request does boot up the server. In theory that can mean, a
push might be missed, while still booting up the system.
>>> See ? A metrics/Analytics view would give all that information :-) (e.g. how
many push were sent, and delivered to the 3rd party networks)
>>> @Android: is the app running? I think there are issues w/ the Android process
has has been killed
>>>> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Florian Schrofner
<florian.schrofner(a)> wrote:
>>>> I didn't mean that GCM failed.. just thought that GCM maybe decided
to block aerogear now or something like that.
>>>> But since it happens on iOS too this doesn't seem to be the matter..
>>>> Any other clues?
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