2013/5/31 Hardy Ferentschik <hardy(a)hibernate.org>
> public interface IndexedEntityDescriptor {
> I find the name "IndexedEntityDescriptor" in conjunction with
isIndexed() potentially returning "false" a bit irritating. Maybe just
EntityDescriptor? Or SearchableEntityDescriptor?
I thought about EntityDescriptor, but found it to generic. Somehow I
wanted to have the connection to Search/Lucene. SearchableEntityDescriptor
implies that I can search
something in the descriptor.
Ah, I meant it as in "descriptor for a searchable entity" but I see that
this can be mistaken.
I am not 100% happy about IndexedEntityDescriptor either, but for now
still think it is the best.
> boolean isIndexed();
> Maybe return an enum if this can potentially be more than a simple
yes/no? I don't know how likely that is, but an enum would allow for
Not sure this is needed. I don't foresee that this would change.
Maybe a value such as HAS_INDEXED_SUBTYPES might make sense at some point?
I'm not sure whether that's needed either, but in contrast to a boolean an
enum (with initially just two values) would allow for future additions,
should that be required.
> Set<String> getIndexNames();
> Would something like Set<IndexDescriptor> getIndexes() make sense?
That's an interesting thought. In fact I was wondering whether more index
specific information is needed. On the other hand,
I was thinking thinking that as long as you have the index name you can
always get more information via accessing the IndexManager
directly -
Now that you bring it up, I am wondering, however, if we could expose
thinks like directory type via a IndexDescriptor.
> At least for my case I think it would be easier if this contained all
field descriptors so I can handle them uniformly. Maybe
FieldDescriptor#isId() or if there are more id specific things something
like this could be added:
sounds good
> // TODO should OBJECT_CLASS be considered?
> Set<FieldDescriptor> getIndexedFields();
> Could you also add FieldDescriptor getIndexedField(String fieldName);
> public interface FieldDescriptor {
> /**
> * Returns the Lucene {@code Document} field name for this
indexed property.
> *
> * @return Returns the field name for this index property
> */
> String getFieldName();
> I'd call it just "getName()", not repeating the type's name.
> public interface FieldNameReportingBridge {
> Iterable<String> getGeneratedFieldNames(String baseFieldName);
> }
> Not better a Set? Returning Iterable makes it harder for users (e.g. no
contains()) and also hides set vs. list semantics.
thanks for the great feedback :-)
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