When an entity is updated for the
"CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE", the cache entry is removed
1. Once from update:
public boolean update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object
throws CacheException {
remove( key );
return false;
2. From unlockItem:
public void unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock) throws CacheException {
region().remove( key );
Shouldn't this be called only once, either from update or from unlockItem, which is
called in doAfterTransactionCompletion?
Vlad Mihalcea
On Tuesday, May 5, 2015 1:52 PM, Mihalcea Vlad <mih_vlad(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
When an entity is updated for the
"CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE", the cache entry is removed
1. Once from update:public boolean update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion,
Object previousVersion)
throws CacheException {
remove( key );
return false;
Vlad Mihalcea