yeah gone thorough that.
in that example, we need to define the no.of.shards and the directory
provider for the shards at configuration.
but in my application, i need to shard the client specific data.
so my need is to configure those settings at the run time based on the
client id. is it possible to do so..
I am new to this hibernate search and what i understood from filter is,
filter will apply restrictions on matching elements returned by query..
for eg : in my application when i apply filter for clientid, lucene will
fetch all the documents and then apply the filter criteria of client id and
return the result.
but my need is to open the index reader and writing the index for the
specific client alone with the identification of clientid at runtime.
I have logged my query in Hibernate forum
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Amin Mohammed-Coleman <aminmc(a)gmail.com>wrote:
Have you checked the online documentation?
plus you can check Hibernate Search in Action.
On 19 Nov 2010, at 05:42, Suganya wrote:
> Hi,
> In my application, I have configured hibernate search to index my
> data
> I have data specific to client and each client having the clientid.
> I need to create separate shards for each client dynamically and whenever
> search or update or create happens I need to find the specific shard
> the client id.
> if its not supported, is it possible to customise ourselves. in order to
> customise how to go for it and what are all the changes do I need to do?
> Cheers,
> Suganya.
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