2015-05-13 15:08 GMT+02:00 Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)redhat.com>:
I remember seeing this before but don't remember why. Years ago,
blogged [1] about using OGM on JBoss AS (before the rename to WildFly). I
didn't name the entity classes in the blog (or git [2]), so not sure if
that was because OGM worked better back then or I just got lucky with my
simple test case.
Ok, I've filed
https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/OGM-828 for this.
By the way, we are talking about moving Jipijapa back into the WildFly
code base, to get more eyeballs on it. Currently its just me reviewing my
own code changes, but on WildFly we usually get a peer code review as part
of pull request processing. I wanted to mention this, as we talked in the
past about possibly adding JPA integration code for OGM (if there is ever a
need). Obviously, if the Jipijapa code is moving to WildFly, we would want
to do any integration there. This is still being discussed.
Interesting, thanks for the heads-up.
Wrt. to integration code, it'd be nice if the OGM module(s) could be added
automatically to applications using the OGM persistence provider and one
(or more) of the OGM backends. Currently it'd requires fiddling with
manifest headers and the like
On 05/13/2015 08:28 AM, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> Hi,
> When using Hibernate OGM on WildFly, one needs to list the entity classes
> in persistence.xml, otherwise and "Unknown entity" exception will be
> raised.
> Does anyone have a rough idea what may be causing this or where to get
> started to analyse this issue?
> Thanks,
> --Gunnar
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