Well, I am not asking for a preference so much. I was asking for a
solution on how to achieve that :)
On 8 déc. 09, at 14:11, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
I go for 3. I think its nice to not need this additional jar.
On Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:30:13 -0300, Sanne Grinovero <sanne.grinovero(a)gmail.com
> wrote:
> Both options 1 and 3 are good for me:
> while it's nice to not need an additional jar, I always use it.
> Sanne
> 2009/12/8 Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)hibernate.org>:
>> SearchMapping has a dependency on Solr's analyzer package which was
>> optional in 3.1. The current configuration design makes mandatory as
>> the SearchMapping is now used by the SearchFactoryImpl.
>> Three solutions:
>> - make the analyzer optional dependency mandatory
>> - make SearchMapping reflexively used in SFI to avoid the mandatory
>> dependency on non programmatic model users
>> - rethink SearchMapping to avoid the dependency
>> Either 1 or 3 look viable to me. I don't believe in 2.
>> Any proposal?