Thanks for the tip Gunnar! The file finder is awesome. I was wishing for something like
this more than once.
Turns out it was there right in front of my nose. Some features are really quite well
hidden in GitHub.
One thing which kept bugging me until just a couple of days ago was that clicking on
GitHub notification emails never
jumped right to the comment (just opened the file). I thought that's a GitHub problem,
but as Sanne pointed out to me
it is a browser timeout. When it happens just press enter again in the address bar.
Happy Git-Hubbing
On Jun 20, 2012, at 1:03 AM, Gunnar Morling wrote:
Hi all,
just stumbled upon an awesome talk on "Git and GitHub secrets" [1].
The talk mentions a lot of not so well known features in Git(Hub).
Just some things I wasn't aware of so far:
* press "t" on a GitHub repo page for the file finder which allows to
quickly open files (press "?" for all commands)
* subscribe other people to pull requests/issues: put "@username" into a
* see what has happened since last 5 days on master:{}...m...
* record and reuse conflict resolutions: git config --global
rerere.enabled 1 (haven't tried that yet, but it sounds interesting
e.g. for repeated rebases of long-living branches)
All in all a really worth watching.
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