aha aha aha - need to think about a punishment for that :-)
On 26 Jan 2014, at 13:58, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
So basically I haven’t touched nor looked at Hibernate Validator for
a year. Damn.
On 26 May 2014, at 10:28, Gunnar Morling <gunnar(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Note that this commit is from May 2nd last year.
> Historically there had been some files with Windows style line endings in the HV
repository. It was at this very time that I fixed this; since then git takes care of this
automatically upon check out (by using LF within the repo and converting this to the right
OS-dependent style upon check out). This is done via a configuration in .gitattributes
which causes git to do the conversion upon check out.
> Now I had somewhat unfortunately done this configuration first and only afterwards
fixed the concerned files with the wrong format. If you now happen to check out one of
those few commits between the changed configuration in .gitattributes (753a0c7d) and the
fix for PatternValidator (62bd06a3), git will change the line ending style and give you
the changes you see in your working copy. To abandon that state, you can e.g. do a
"git checkout --force master".
> Out of interest, what exactly did you to run into this issue?
> --Gunnar