Mutaz, good morning! Thanks for being willing to contribute!
That article will help you. Commit and push your changes to your fork. Then, create a
pull request to the original ORM project. We'll take it from there. Thanks again!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Strong Liu" <stliu(a)>
To: "mutaz kabbashi" <mutazhkabbashi(a)>
Cc: "Hibernate hibernate-dev" <hibernate-dev(a)>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 3:58:47 AM
Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] fixing 2 hibernate bugs
I'm on vacation this week, forwarding it to hibernate-dev mail list
On Sep 24, 2012, at 3:55 PM, mutaz kabbashi <mutazhkabbashi(a)> wrote:
hi Strong
i am new here and i want to contribute to hibernate project so i start
with simple bugs, so that i can understand the structure and coding
conventions of hibernate
i start with these 2 bugs
1- DB2 HQL insert statement (
the problem here is that during the Session Factory initialization
the sqlFunctions register Long data type as (big_integer ),while
DB2Dialect class register it as
(bigint) so when hibernate trying to find the data type of
(bigint) in SqlFunctions (big_integer) hibernate throw null Pinter
Exception ,
I change bigint to big_integer in DB2Dialect class and it works now
2- getForUpdateString() of HSQLDialect returns empty string
The problem here is that HQL Data base didn't support (select for
update) statement in hql version 1.8 but it support it now (from
version 2.0)
so i modify getForUpdate()@HSQLDialect class and it works now
how can i commit my modifications (i already create my fork at git hub)
thank you
Best Regards,
Strong Liu <stliu at>
hibernate-dev mailing list