Java version:
runtime engine of 3.x.x must run on JDK 1.4.2
the next version of the console 3.3+ probably will require java 5
Having a lot of commands is not a problem. That is in fact the reason why we use the
command pattern over the typical session facade.
But you could do similar things like with database connections: provide a base API with
which you can send queries and retrieve results. There is one catch however: lazy
loading. Together with the query, you should send some instructions on which relations of
the retrieved objects should be eager loaded.
When the result is serialized and deserialized on the client, lazy loading will not work.
Another approach to adding eager loading indications is to create commands to navigate the
relations: e.g. 1 command to get all the swimlaneInstances for this taskInstance.
If you want more info on these various approaches and their tradeoffs, you can give me a
Use JbpmException or create a specific command exception if you think it is applicable.
as long as it inherits from JbpmException and as long as you keep the total number of
exception types low.
More important, try to document very carefully the return values of the commands and the
exceptions they throw
Where to put the queries
Is this the file you're looking for ?
| jpdl/jar/src/main/java/org/jbpm/db/hibernate.queries.hbm.xml
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