[Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: Providers vs. Listeners and Configuration
by tfennelly
"bsheward" wrote : Can anyone summarize what is the difference between a provider and a listener? Am I right thinking that providers are global with the ESB, whereas listeners are "local" to a service, and tie the provider with the service?
Yep, that's the basic idea. Listeners listen for messages provided by a bus. There's more on this in the configuration section of the programmers guide.
"bsheward" wrote : Why would a particular configuration exist in one, but not the other? For example, In SQL, the provider seems to define the sql-message-filter, and the listener defines the number of threads. Why not the other way around?
You're dead right there. Some of the listener configurations are a bit messed up. I've actually logged JIRA issues for this and I think the SQL based configs were in that.
"bsheward" wrote : Finally, why are some configuration properties defined using and others are attributes of the <xxx-listener> element? For example, I define my poll-frequency-seconds in <fs-listener>, but need to define my composer-class and composer-process in a .
Not sure about the poll-frequency-seconds and composer-class properties not being attributes (revert to your previous comment), but I can guess that the "composer-process" one was left as a property simply because it was considered to be a bad idea for the same reasons you outlined at the top i.e. that composition should be done based on an interface and therefore no need to define process methods.
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