[Design of JCA on JBoss] - JCA AOP-MC Integration
by weston.price@jboss.com
I am attempting to start aspectizing (as well as migrating our JCA services over to POJO land) services in JCA and I am using the JCA prototype from CVS as a template for creating/deploying aspects via aop-mc integration. I am not sure I am doing it right, or that the current aop-mc-int stuff can be integrated with what's in JBoss5 as I can't seem to get a TraceAspect to work. I believe the problems is in the AspectManager deployed in HEAD as this appears to be different that the one classes like
| org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.beans.StackBinding
I have been down this route a couple of times before and had to restort to using aopc to get things to work. Any hints as to the root of my stupidity, or is this something that just hasn't been ported yet?
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17 years, 8 months
[Design of JBoss Portal] - 2.6alpha2: looking for alternate for PageCustomizerIntercept
by spackler
Trying to customize the tabs and login/logout pieces in the 2.6 alpha2 portal.
<!-- Utility controls -->
<p:region regionName='dashboardnav' regionID='dashboardnav'/>
<!-- navigation tabs and such -->
<p:region regionName='navigation' regionID='navigation'/>
Found those regions are rendered in ./core/src/main/org/jboss/portal/core/aspects/controller/PageCustomizerInterceptor.java
A custom RenderSet could intercept those pieces, but comparing the params passed to the RenderSet classes vs. the params passed to PageCustomizerInterceptor it appears that the PageCustomizerInterceptor has the clear advantage in terms of objects one can get to.
>From the bit of time I put into it, it does not appear that the RenderSet classes have the objects required to generate URL's nor access the user nor access the Pages/Dashboard information required for tabs.
Does the RenderSet have access to those objects? If not, how inefficient would it be to dig those objects up another way? Also, what would that other way be? (suggestions are welcome)
Fairly new to jboss Portal, hoping someone already has a neat solution for this issue which would save me quite a bit of time. I've made a custom copy of the Interceptor and it's working fine, however it's not all that easy to develop (restarting takes 1.5min) and there's no way I can pass it off to the UI guys for fiddling, keeping me in the loop for a fairly integral piece of the UI.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4022150#4022150
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4022150
17 years, 8 months