[JBoss Microcontainer Development] New message: "Re: JBDEPLOY-226 - DeployerClient change extension"
by Adrian Brock
JBoss development,
A new message was posted in the thread "JBDEPLOY-226 - DeployerClient change extension":
Author : Adrian Brock
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/adrian@jboss.org
alesj wrote:>
> > since I want to be able to do this as well in some of the stuff I'm doing.
> Related to JBKERNEL-54 / JBOSGI-151? :-)
I don't see why resolving circular dependencies needs this feature?
The problem with Thomas's implementation (if it is like what he has done elsewhere)
is that he is doing a checkComplete() too often.
He should check them all at the end, not during/after every single move. :-)
No, it is to implement the refreshPackages() behaviour when using shutdownPolicy=GCI'm implementing it properly inside org.jboss.classloading.spi.dependency.ClassLoading
where none OSGi users can use this feature as well.
It's not strictly required, but width first processing of deployments is preferable for a
number of reasons.
To reply to this message visit the message page: http://community.jboss.org/message/527985#527985
14 years, 11 months
[JCA Development] New message: "Re: feedback on JBAS-7195 (WrappedConnection.checkTransactionStatus throws exception when transaction is marked for roll back)"
by Adrian Brock
JBoss development,
A new message was posted in the thread "feedback on JBAS-7195 (WrappedConnection.checkTransactionStatus throws exception when transaction is marked for roll back)":
Author : Adrian Brock
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/adrian@jboss.org
I don't think you'll break anything, but you'll lose the early notification of the failure.
i.e. in a lot of cases you'll be doing useless work which won't fail until it becomes time to commit/rollback.
That's cpu and resources that could be used by something else.
Perhaps you could make it an option in the -ds.xml instead?
The check was added to avoid sql operations leaking into the next transaction because of a race with the tx timeout.
This won't happen if the transaction is just MARKED rolled back only. The transaction hasn't completed yet.
See JBAS-5080, the race goes something like:
a) Thread 1: start running a query
b) Thread 2: timeout -> roll back transaction, which ends the local jdbc transaction
c) Thread 1: original query now reaches the real connection which is in a new local jdbc transaction as far as the jdbc driver is concerned
(b) hasn't happened if the JTA transactions is marked rolled back only
To reply to this message visit the message page: http://community.jboss.org/message/527970#527970
14 years, 11 months