Bruno Santos [] commented on the document
"JBoss AS7: Security : Custom Login Modules"
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How can I get injection using @Inject, @EJB and @PersistanceContext to work in a custom login module? Is this even possible?
If not, how can I get access to a bean from a custom login module?
Rüdiger zu Dohna [] commented on the document
"Multiple instances of JBoss AS7 on the same machine"
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you can also start one instance with
Estelle Guallar [] created the discussion
"add a name to a factory.connection()"
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h6. Hi forums,
h6. If some one please tell me how can i add a name to connection of a factory "factory.connection(ids, idt) ".
h6. after the ganeration of the xml file i have this :
h4. <!-- connections -->
h4. <sequenceFlow id="_1-_2" sourceRef="_1" targetRef="_2"/>
h4. <sequenceFlow id="_2-_3" sourceRef="_2" targetRef="_3"/>
h4. <sequenceFlow id="_3-_4" sourceRef="_3" targetRef="_4"/>
h6. i want to add the attribite name in the generate file to became like this :
h4. <sequenceFlow id="_1-_2" sourceRef="_1" targetRef="_2" name "blabla"/>
h6. how can i do it?
h6. Thank you
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Ondrej Zizka [] created the discussion
"Code coverage of JBoss AS 7 testsuite, using JaCoCo - no data in jacoco.exec files"
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I'm trying to get coverage of JBoss AS 7. Here's my branch:
When I run `mvn clean install -rf testsuite -DallTests -Dcoverage -fae` I get (almost) empty `jacoco.exec` files - just some metadata (size is few bytes).
The JVM arg line used is:
| -javaagent:${jbossas.ts.dir}/target/jacoco-jars/agent/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=${basedir}/target/jacoco.exec,includes=${jboss.home}/modules/**/*,excludes=${basedir}/target/classes/**/*,append=true,output=file |
This line is passed to Arquillian to use to start JBoss AS 7.
The testsuite runs, the argument is passed (it appears in AS7's boot.log), but the resulting `jacoco.exec` file is only few bytes in size. The report of course shows no coverage.
What am I doing wrong?
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spyhunter99 [] created the discussion
"Re: Cannot create EJB-based web service with JBossWS runtime"
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This won't directly answer your question, but I'll share how I develop things. I use netbeans so you'll have to modify as necessary.
create a new java library (jar file) projects
open a command prompt
use wsconsume from the jbossws bundle and point it at your wsdl files with the -k option (keep source code)
copy the files from the output folder to your projects src folder
flip back to the ide. Find the class that defines the interface representing your wsdl
Make a new class, implementing that interface
I'd suggest copying all of the annotations from the interface definition into your implementation.
Add a jar reference to the class jboss ejb api, jboss-ejb-api_3.1_spec.jar
Add @javax.ejb.Stateless to your impl class
write your code
copy jar file into the deploy folder
that's it
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