"Jim Ma" wrote :
| I do not investigate the ESB code base deeply and have two questions for Step 2:
| a . Can each response message be easily transformed to a javax.xml.SOAPMessage when
we have the output xsd file ?
Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this with the current architecture so you have
the freedom to do what you feel is best.
The options could include transformations (smooks/xsd) on a part of the message,
marshalling part of the message using JAXB etc. Generating the schema is also an option,
perhaps by specifying the types rather than the xsd.
The ESB 5 architecture will have the ability to automatically generate the schema from the
service, so we need to consider these issue going forward.
"Jim Ma" wrote : b. How can we compose the ActionProcessingException to soap
message when we have fault xsd file? Take ActionProcessingException as a exception bean
to marshal and unmarshall fault message?
Again, there is no easy answer to this at the moment.
What do you feel is the right approach for handling this?
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