Sampath Gunda [] created the discussion
"Integrating jBPM transactions with Application transactions"
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Hi Experts,
1. We have a web application using Hibernate and Spring.We are using plain JDBC
trabsactions for transaction handling.
2. We are using jBPM4.4 success fully for wrokflows development. jBPM is having its own
Data base and session factory.
3. Now jBPM services are getting executed in their own transactions not as part of our
application transactions. We wanted to
integrate jBPM transactions to our application transactions. To do this, As per my
knowledge we have two options:
a) Using Distributed Transactions Manager JTA. But, at this time,we can't go for
this option due to some problems.
b) Merging jBPM DB tables into our application DB and using single session factory
for both jBPM and our application.
How to implement this approcah?. How to instruct the jBPM to use this session
factory instead of using its own?
Please provide your gudence in resolving this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Sampath G
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