See and
The story is that Strings are written using writeUTF() which has a 65535 byte limit.
While I initially thought that fixing this would:
1) Involve having to write String objects directly (inefficient) as any other form of
writing a byte stream will result in hitting some limit or the other.
2) Break binary stream compat with the 1.4 series.
I've expressed these in the JIRA task.
Thinking about this a bit more,
1) Perhaps we can chunk Strings into several writeUTF() calls. 2 bytes can be written
first, to identify how many chunks to expect. This will give us a limit of 2^16 x 2^16
bytes, or 4GB of String data (!).
2) We can make this backward-compatible by using the current format for Strings under
64kb, and a new magic number (MAGIC_NUMBER_LARGE_STRING ?) for a 'chunked'
version, up to 4GB Strings.
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