The jndi policy is only part of the issue. I have hacky logic in the
MappedReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer to set the jndi policy to use if its not set (and
its generally not) based on whether its and ejb3/2 deployment and other logic to try to
match what the ProxyDeployer is doing.
The ProxyDeployer first looks to @RemoteBinding/@JndiBindingPolicy annotations set in
ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml rather than any metadata. Its not clear if these are somehow
bridged to the corresponding JBossMetaData.
So the question is how can we get a common view of all jndi names an ejb deployment
provides. Right now the MappedReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer is trying to build this
view where it outputs a Map(String, ContainerDependencyMetaData) for all of the ejb
endpoints in a deployment. The ContainerDependencyMetaData contains the jndi name(s,
currently there is only one) used as the jndi name for reference resolution as well as the
supply/demands information for dependencies expressed to the mc.
Getting this explicitly defined at the metadata level seems to be where we need to get
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