"kukeltje" wrote : The BI software (Sorry Heiko ;-)) should be able to (and e.g.
Pentaho is to get that data from multiple datasources. Missed discount can vary per
customer, heck even per 'special order', and in some cases there even might be
penalties etc... Leave that data where it belongs... in the domain model.
yes, you are right. the special variable was not a good idea. instead the same principle
of associating generic KPI values should be added to the jBPM BI database.
"kukeltje" wrote : Personally I do like it, but do not like to have to model
those things in. Makes it look ugly. BEA ... every x seconds did a select from the
database, ... and updated the metrics. Somehow, that just feels better
the logs that are generated by default will already enable a log of PKI metrics without
modelling them explicitely in the process. But for some, you need to generate extra data.
Or e.g. extract the right information from the users domain model in order to get the
KPI's into a generic scheme and display them without coding a custom query that spans
over jBPM and user tables.
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