Deepraj Sawalkar [] created the discussion
"JBPM MultipleHuman Task..Task server restart not propagate the flow to next human
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I have created one multiple human task in JBPM 5. The first human Task is "Financial
Accounting Approval Task" having ActorId "#{finApprover}" and the second
one is "Manger Approval Task" having ActorId "#{manager}".
When I run the it successfully run the process and Task is
shiowing as pending to FinancialApprover. Then complete the task then it is shiowing as
pending to Manager. Then Manager can complete the task. It goes fine in this scenario.
Now the problem occours
1. I run the it successfully run the process and Task is
shiowing as pending to FinancialApprover.
2. *Now I stop the server which means stops the MinaTaskServer*.
3. Now I start the Task server again.
4. Check from Human Task View Editor there I found it is pending to FinancialApprover.
5. Start the task -> Complete the task for FinancialApprover.
6. Now Task is not in queue for FinancialApprover. *When I check the same task for Manager
then I am not finding that task in Manager queue.*
*The issue occurs only when the task is pending to first human task and then stop the task
server and start the task server and trying to exceute the first human task not propagate
the flow to the next human task.*
I am attaching the bpmn file along with the bpmn image and java class. Can you please
help me to sort out this issue.
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