"wolfc" wrote : It should work as follows:
| By default beans are bound in JNDI in the form "", regardless which
interfaces are defined on the bean.
| Depending on whether an EJB3 deployment is packaged within an EAR the JNDI name will
be prepended by the short name of the EAR. So for foo.ear/bar.jar/MyBean it will become
This should be handled by the JndiBindingPolicy, and the default in place is currently an
implementation of the legacy.
If we change the format "earName/jarName/beanName" to
"earName/beanName", we lose the guarantee that the binding will be unique. Why
remove "jarName" from here?
Remember, JndiBindingPolicy is in place to handle cases we haven't considered or need
further definition. EJBs deployed in webapps need to be unique per WAR, for instance.
"wolfc" wrote : The final JNDI name can be overriden with the use of
@LocalBinding, @RemoteBinding or the equivalents from jboss.xml.
Yes, but XML must override our annotations. So the hierarchy is:
JndiBindingPolicy > @RemoteBinding.jndiBinding/(a)LocalBinding.jndiBinding >
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