Since this works in conf/bootstrap-beans.xml
| <bean name="ClassLoadingDefaultDeployer"
| <property name="defaultMetaData">
| <!-- HERE -->
| <classloading xmlns="urn:jboss:classloading:1.0"
export-all="NON_EMPTY" import-all="true"/>
| </property>
| </bean>
you need to explain what you are doing (or more likely not doing).
This works in bootstrap-beans.xml because JBossXB knows not just where
the schema is, but what to do with it.
Where/how do you tell JBossXB what to do with that a schema called
e.g. look at deployers/metadata-beans.xml for where we tell it how
to do javaee metadata parsing.
NOTE: The error message is misleading
urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0:property will take any element as a child
what it is really telling you is that it doesn't know what to do with
We know it found the schema (assuming that file exists in the classpath
and is reachable from the bean parsing deployer's classloader):
| TRACE [org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.DefaultSchemaResolver] (main) found
schema InputSou
| rce, nsURI=urn:jboss:security-config:5.0, baseURI=null,
| xsd
Also, by tradition schemas are put in schema subfolders.
i.e. it should be resource:schema/security-config_5_0.xsd
The JBossEntityResolver will even look for this resource if you specify
a proper schema location, e.g.
It strips the file name and tries to do getResource("schema/filename.xsd");
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