Kabir Khan [
https://community.jboss.org/people/kabirkhan] modified the document:
"Audit Logging Design Notes"
To view the document, visit:
Design notes for work on
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-456 (formerly
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-444 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-444).
My current development topic branch for this is
https://github.com/kabir/wildfly/tree/WFLY-456-audit-log (More current than
https://github.com/bstansberry/jboss-as/tree/AS7-444, note that these are personal
branches; I make no guarantees not to change its commit history.) This branch is based on
work previously done by John Bailey.
Design notes:
1) Processing location in OperationContext
a) when done
b) when decision to not proceed is made in OperationContext
2) Log record format:
a) date
b) read-only?
c) boot?
d) (if boot) version (as string???)
e) rollback?
f) userid (TODO get this somehow)
g) uuid (for domain ops only, to track across processes)
h) isServer?
i) primary (domain or server) model hash
j) if (!isServer) secondary (host) model hash
k) overall hash
l) num operations
m) operations (one at a time)
n) length of a->j (scan from end to last boot during validation; alternative is to
write the length first and scan from beginning to last boot)
3) Index record format:
a) overall hash
4) Mgmt operations
a) truncate (back to last boot)
i) don't discard previous; just write under a different file name
b) read log (params -- from (default 0); batch-size (default 20; -1 means all))
c) validate log
d) config changes
5) Validation:
a) compare persisted model hash to current model
b) scan back through log to last config-file-modified boot or version-change boot. We stop
at version-change boot to avoid spurious validation problems resulting from changes in
model construction across versions
c) recreate by re-running ops
-- validation problems
a) need to verify model hash at each stage -- special controller that ignores all runtime
i) problem -- how to recreate domain ops involving remote slaves that don't exist?
ii) problem -- ops with attachments -- attachments won't exist
iii) this "special controller" could end up duplicating a lot of logic just
for validation
b) reads and runtime ops cannot be verified against model; it can only be confirmed that
their hash is consistent with subsequent hashes in the log. Tamper resistant as
modification would require modifying all subsequent log entries, but not tamper proof as
this could be done.
6) Domain mode
a) tracking requests from master to slaves
apply a uuid to requests
-- as a header
include uuid in log record
b) detecting host.xml config changes at boot
problem -- can't detect host.xml config changes at boot, as model changes may be due
to domain.xml stuff coming from the master
so, independent domain and host logging
but, what about non-model affecting ops? log twice?
c) domain logging on slaves? only if --backup-dc is set? -- no simpler to just log
d) remote-slave-only logging on master?
yes, to maintain a complete record of what was done
7) Non-model-affecting ops
a) re-calculating the model hash for all such ops is too expensive
b) store the hash(es) in the ModelController along with the model
c) provide the hash along with the model to OperationContext
d) when model is updated recalc hashes
8) Config
a) <audit-log> element
b) part of <management> section
c) resource is /core-service=audit-log
d) attributes
i) path (NO -- we need to know the location when first logging, before we have processed
ops to set it)
ii) relative-to (NO -- we need to know the location when first logging, before we have
processed ops to set it)
iii) log-read-only?
iv) daily-rolling??? (hassle; tempting to defer to later release but it's probably
necessary immediately)
9) Other issues
a) disable logging overhead for dev scenarios
i) to disable it during initial boot (until whatever config element that turns it on/off
is read) -- maintain log data in memory and only write on last boot op
b) parallel boot handlers should not log
c) fluctuating model hashes
i) if op took the controller lock, that lock ensures proper ordering of model hashes
ii) if op does not take controller lock (reads) earlier model hashes can intermix with
later -- validation needs to account for this
*Suggested configuration*
Only relevant elements to audit logging have been included in the following examples.
*+jboss-as-config (i.e. standlone.xml and host.xml)+
This defines a set of audit-log-appenders which are referenced by the audit-log element.
Having the audit-log-appenders defined seperately from the core audit-log, and the core
audit-log referencing those appenders allows us to later allow separate appenders for the
jmx subsystem.
Currently encryption/tamper detection is not a requirement so all logs are done in clear
text. If encryption/tamper detection later becomes a requirement this could be added by
for example an audit-log-formatters section which configures whatever we would like to use
for encryption/tamper detection and the file-audit-log-appender and
syslog-audit-log-appender could individually be made to reference an audit-log-formatter.
<xs:complexType name="domain-managementType">
Domain-wide default configuration settings for the management of
standalone servers and a Host Controller.
<xs:element name="security-realms" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="security-realm"
type="security-realmType" minOccurs="1"
<xs:element name="outbound-connections"
<xs:element name="ldap" type="ldapType"
minOccurs="1" /> <!-- TODO minOccurs only while ldap is only supported
connection. -->
<xs:element name="audit-log" minOccurs="0">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="audit-log-appenders"
<xs:element name="logger"
<xs:complexType name="audit-log-appendersType">
Declaration of management operation audit logging appenders.
<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="file-appender"
<xs:element name="syslog-appender"
<xs:complexType name="file-audit-log-appenderType">
Configuration of a simple file appender for the audit log. This writes to
a local file without any encryption or tamper detection applied to the file.
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"
The name of the appender. The name must be unique across all types of
<xs:attribute name="path" type="xs:string"
The path of the audit log.
<xs:attribute name="relative-to" use="optional"
The name of another previously named path, or of one of the
standard paths provided by the system. If 'relative-to' is
provided, the value of the 'path' attribute is treated as
relative to the path specified by this attribute.
<xs:complexType name="syslog-audit-log-appenderType">
Configuration of a syslog file appender for the audit log. This writes to
a local file without any encryption or tamper detection applied to the file.
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
The configuration of the protocol to use communication with the syslog
server. See your syslog provider's documentation for configuration options.
<xs:element name="udp"
<xs:element name="tcp"
<xs:element name="tls"
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"
The name of the appender. The name must be unique across all types of
<xs:attribute name="syslog-format" type="xs:token"
The format to use for the syslog messages. See your syslog
provider's documentation for what is supported.
<xs:enumeration value="RFC5424">
<xs:documentation>Format the syslog data according to
the RFC-5424 standard</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="RFC3164">
<xs:documentation>Format the syslog data according to
the RFC-3164 standard</xs:documentation>
<!-- TODO appname, level etc-->
<xs:complexType name="base-audit-log-protocolType">
<xs:attribute name="host" default="localhost">
The host of the syslog server.
<xs:attribute name="port" default="514">
The port of the syslog server.
<xs:complexType name="udp-audit-log-protocolType">
<xs:documentation>Configure udp as the protocol for communicating with
the syslog server</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="base-audit-log-protocolType"/>
<xs:complexType name="tcp-audit-log-protocolType">
<xs:documentation>Configure tcp as the protocol for communicating with
the syslog server</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="base-audit-log-protocolType">
<xs:attribute name="message-transfer"
type="xs:token" default="NON_TRANSPARENT_FRAMING">
The message transfer setting as described in section 3.4 of
RFC-6587. See your syslog provider's
documentation for what is supported
<xs:enumeration value="OCTET_COUNTING">
Use the octet counting format for message transfer
as described in section 3.4.1 of RFC-6587.
Use the non-transparent-framing format for message
transfer as described in section 3.4.1 of RFC-6587.
<xs:complexType name="tls-audit-log-protocolType">
<xs:documentation>Configure tls as the protocol for communicating with
the syslog server</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="tcp-audit-log-protocolType">
<xs:element name="truststore"
type="keyStoreType" minOccurs="0">
Configuration of a keystore to use to create a trust
manager to verify the server certificate for encrypted comminications.
If the server certificate is signed off by a signing
authority, tls can be used without a truststore.
<xs:element name="client-certificate-store"
type="keyStoreType" minOccurs="0">
Configuration of a keystore containing a client
certificate and a private key, e.g. in PKCS12 format. This turns on authenticating
the clients against the syslog server.
<xs:complexType name="audit-log-loggerType">
Declaration of management operation audit logging configuration coming
from the model controller core.
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="appenders"
type="audit-log-appenders-refType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="log-read-only" type="xs:boolean"
Whether operations that do not modify the configuration or any runtime
services should be logged.
<xs:attribute name="enabled" type="xs:boolean"
Whether audit logging is enabled.
<xs:complexType name="audit-log-appenders-refType">
References to audit-log-appenders defined in the audit-log-appenders
<xs:choice minOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="appender"
type="audit-log-appender-refType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="audit-log-appender-refType">
A reference to an audit-log-appender defined in the audit-log-appenders
<xs:attribute name="appender" type="xs:string"
+*jboss-as-jmx (jmx subsystem)*+
We currently do not allow for the jmx subsystem to have separate appenders so they will be
shared with the core audit logging. The commented out appenders shows how allowing
separate appenders for the jmx subsystem could be done in future.
<xs:complexType name="subsystem">
<xs:element name="expose-resolved-model"
type="resolvedModelType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="expose-expression-model"
type="expressionModelType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="remoting-connector"
type="remotingConnectorRefType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="audit-log" type="audit-logType"
<xs:complexType name="audit-logType">
Declaration of management operation audit logging configuration.
Don't allow separate appenders for jmx for now
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="appenders"
type="audit-log-appenders-refType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="log-read-only" type="xs:boolean"
Whether operations that do not modify the configuration or any runtime
services should be logged.
<xs:attribute name="enabled" type="xs:boolean"
Whether audit logging is enabled.
Don't allow separate appenders for jmx for now
<xs:complexType name="audit-log-appenders-refType">
References to audit-log-appenders defined in the audit-log-appenders section
<xs:choice minOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="appender"
type="audit-log-appender-refType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="audit-log-appender-refType">
A reference to an audit-log-appender defined in the audit-log-appenders
<xs:attribute name="appender" type="xs:string"
Sample standalone.xml configuration:
<file-appender name="file" path="audit-log.log"
<syslog-appender name="syslog"
<udp host="localhost" port="514"/>
<config log-read-only="true" enabled="true">
<appender name="file"/>
<appender name="syslog"/>
When we get to separating out jmx for a later release, the sample jmx configuration will
be along the lines of:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jmx:1.2">
<audit-log log-read-only="true" enabled="true">
<!-- Reference one or more of the appenders from the
domain-management section -->
<appender name="file"/>
<appender name="syslog"/>
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