Andre Dietisheim [] modified the document:
"How to Build JBoss Tools with Maven 3"
To view the document, visit:
+*This article is a replacement for its precursor, How to Build JBoss Tools 3.2 with Maven 3.*+
h2. Prerequisites
1. Java 1.6 SDK
2. Maven 3
3. Ant 1.7.1 or later
4. About 6 GB of free disk space if you want to run all integration tests for (JBoss AS,
Seam and Web Services Tools)
5. subversion client 1.6.X (should work with lower version as well)
h2. Environment Setup
h3. Maven and Java
Make sure your maven 3 is available by default and Java 1.6 is used.
mvn -version
should print out something like
*Apache Maven 3.0.2* (r1056850; 2011-01-08 19:58:10-0500)
*Java version: 1.6.0_20*, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
*Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_20/jre*
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "", arch:
"i386", family: "unix"
h2. Building Locally Via Commandline
To run a local build of JBoss Tools 3.3 against the new Eclipse 3.7-based Target Platform,
I suggest a three-step approach:
a) build the parent & target platform poms (v0.0.3-SNAPSHOT) *[ONLY NEEDED WHEN THESE
b) resolve the target platform to your local disk *[ONLY NEEDED WHEN THESE CHANGE]*
c) build against your local copy of the target platform [every time you change sources and
want to rebuild]
Once (a) and (b) are done, you need only perform (c) iteratively until you're happy
(that is, until everything compiles). This lets you test changes locally before committing
back to SVN.
*(a) and (b) need only be done when the parent pom and Target Platform (TP) change.* Of
course if we get these published to nexus then you may not need those first bootstrapping
steps. Stay tuned - work in progress.
*a) build the parent & target platform poms (v0.0.3-SNAPSHOT)*
cd ~/
svn co
cd ~/3.3.indigo/build/parent
mvn3 clean install
*b) resolve the target platform to your local disk*
There are two ways to do this:
i) Download and unpack the latest TP zip
ii) Resolve the TP using Maven or Ant
+i) Download and unpack the latest TP zip+
You can either download the TP as a zip [5] and unpack it into some folder on your disk.
For convenience, you might want to unzip into ~/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform/REPO/,
since that's where the Maven or Ant process will by default operate.
+ii) Resolve the TP using Maven or Ant+
cd ~/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform
mvn3 clean install
The profile will resolve the target platform file,, as a
p2 repository on your local disk in ~/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform/REPO/. It may take
a while, so you're better off from a speed point-of-view simply fetching the latest
zip [5]. However, if you want to see what actually happens to create the TP (as done in
Hudson) this is the approach to take.
Since the Maven profile is simply a wrapper call to Ant, you can also use Ant 1.7.1 or
later directly:
cd ~/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform
Should you want to build the JBDS target, do this:
cd ~/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform
ant jbds
Then you'll get a p2 repo in ~/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform/JBDS_REPO/.
*c) build against your local copy of the target platform*
cd ~/3.3.indigo/build
mvn3 clean install -U -B -fae -e -P${HOME}/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform/REPO/ | tee build.all.log.txt
(tee is a program that pipes console output to BOTH console and a file so you can watch
the build AND keep a log.)
cd c:\3.3.indigo\build
mvn3 clean install -U -B -fae -e -P
mvn3 clean install -U -B -fae -e >
If you downloaded the zip and unpacked is somewhere else, use to
point at that folder instead.
If you would rather build a single component (or even just a single plugin), go into that
folder and run Maven there:
cd ~/3.3.indigo/build/jmx
mvn3 clean install -U -B -fae -e -P${HOME}/3.3.indigo/build/target-platform/REPO/ | tee build.jmx.log.txt
h2. Building Locally In Eclipse
First, you must have installed m2eclipse into your Eclipse (or JBDS). You can install the
currently supported version from this update site:
Next, start up Eclipse or JBDS and do *File > Import* to import the project(s) you
already checked out from SVN above into your workspace.
Browse to where you have the project(s) checked out, and select a folder to import pom
projects. In this case, I'm importing the parent pom (which refers to the target
platform pom). Optionally, you can add these new projects to a working set to collect them
in your Package Explorer view.
Once the project(s) are imported, you'll want to build them. You can either do
*CTRL-SHIFT-X,M (Run Maven Build),* or right-click the project and select *Run As >
Maven Build*. The following screenshots show how to configure a build job.
First, on the *Main* tab, set a *Name*, *Goals*, *Profile*(s), and add a *Parameter*. Or,
if you prefer, put everything in the *Goals* field for simplicity:
+clean install -U -B -fae -e
Be sure to check *Resolve Workspace artifacts*, and, if you have a newer version of Maven
installed, point your build at that *Maven Runtime* instead of the bundled one that ships
with m2eclipse.
On the *JRE* tab, make sure you're using a 6.0 JDK.
On the *Refresh* tab, define which workspace resources you want to refresh when the
build's done.
On the *Common* tab, you can store the output of the build in a log file in case it's
particularly long and you need to refer back to it.
Click *Run* to run the build.
Now you can repeat the above step to build any other component or plugin or feature or
update site from the JBoss Tools repo. Simply import the project(s) and build them as
h2. Tips an tricks for making BOTH PDE and Maven happy
It's fairly common to have plugins compiling in eclipse while tycho would not work.
Basically you could say that tycho is far more picky compared to Eclipse PDE.
Check your
Check in your plugin. If it has warnings in Eclipse, you'll most
likely end with tycho failing to compile your sources.
Especially check your to have entries for *source..* and *output..*
source.. = src/
output.. = bin/
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