JMS 1.1 Specification Section 8.5 XA Session:
anonymous wrote :
| XASession provides access to what looks like a normal Session object and a
javax.transaction.xa.XAResource object which controls the session?s transaction context.
The functionality of XAResource closely resembles that defined by the standard X/Open XA
Resource interface.
| An application server controls the transactional assignment of an XASession by
obtaining its XAResource. It uses the XAResource to assign the session to a distributed
transaction, prepare and commit work on the transaction, and so on.
| An XAResource provides some fairly sophisticated facilities for interleaving work on
multiple transactions, recovering a list of transactions in progress, and so on. A JTA
aware JMS provider must fully implement this functionality. This could be done by using
the services of a database that supports XA, or a JMS provider may choose to implement
this functionality from scratch. A client of the application server is given the
XASession?s Session. Behind the scenes, the application server controls the transaction
management of the underlying XASession.
| It is important to note that a distributed transaction context does not flow with a
message; that is, the receipt of the message cannot be part of the same
| transaction that produced the message. This is the fundamental difference between
messaging and synchronized processing. Message producers and
| consumers use an alternative approach to reliability that is built upon a JMS provider
?s ability to supply a once-and-only-once message delivery guarantee.
| To reiterate, the act of producing and/or consuming messages in a Session can be
transactional. The act of producing and consuming a specific message across different
sessions cannot.
| anonymous wrote :
| |
| | This is the letter of the spec, and nothing else of substance is specified about
XASession throughout. The phrase that I find interesting is the following: "An
application server controls the transactional assignment of an XASession by obtaining its
XAResource. It uses the XAResource to assign the session to a distributed transaction,
prepare and commit work on the transaction, and so on."
| |
| | Zooming again, "It uses the XAResource to assign the session to a distributed
transaction [...]".
| |
| | If there is no distributed transaction, then there can be no "prepare and
commit work on the transaction", hence the session is non-transactional.
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