JBoss development,
A new message was posted in the thread "JBDEPLOY-226 - DeployerClient change
Author : Ales Justin
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Nope. But that probably needs resolving (pun intended) in the
jboss-dependency project?
I can prototype this in the ClassLoading project, but I think it is a general
What ever is easier for you.
Although it sounds like it should be a general requirement,
I don't really see any other valid use case apart from classloading+deployments,
hence it could easily only exist in ClassLoading project.
Although you would still have to provide a couple of mixins in jboss-dependency?
As you already mentioned, to make this generic,
dependency item itself would have to be somehow aware of what is valid or what's not.
e.g. the circular ctor case is not valid, but CL dependencies are
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