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A new message was posted in the thread "JBDEPLOY-226 - DeployerClient change
Author : Ales Justin
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I don't see why resolving circular dependencies needs this
The problem with Thomas's implementation (if it is like what he has done elsewhere)
is that he is doing a checkComplete() too often.
He should check them all at the end, not during/after every single move. :-)
But it would definitely be good if it was the other way around - this feature needs
circular resolving.
Otherwise it doesn't make much sense, if the deployments are not actually moved into
the state you wanted them to move.
At least for the "valid" circular deployments -- which is often the case in OSGi
-- according to TCK.
I don't see how checking at the end would help. They would still not be in the
"right" state.
Or are you saying Controller::change(deploymentContext, state) already knows how to
resolve this?
e.g. deployment A imports some B's packages, and vice versa, and afterwards we would
expect both of them in past Describe state
(or how do valid OSGi circular depencies look like?)
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