Re: run.pojocache.demo
by Manik Surtani
cc'ing jbc dev list.
There was a known issue with the plain cache tutorial and demo being
broken in 2.0.0.BETA1, fixed in BETA2
but this wasn't a compilation issue - it was to do with the bean
shell scripts not being updated with new package names/imports for
certain classes.
Will take a look at BETA2 (currently with QA to release) as well.
Regarding recompilation, I presume you downloaded the binary distro?
On 28 Mar 2007, at 12:03, Bela Ban wrote:
> I discovered some issues with both JBossCache 2.0 and PojoCache 2.0
> (BETA1):
> - Download and unzip both distros
> - ./ run.pojocache.demo
> We get compile errors !
> Now, what is beyond me, is why we even need to compile 375 files to
> run a demo !
> Can we create a JIRA issue to
> (1) prevent this unneeded compilation ? I understand we need to use
> annonc and aopc for the PojoCache demo, but not 375 files !
> (2) fix the compilation error ? Well, I guess fixing (1) makes (2)
> obsolete
> -- Bela Ban Lead JGroups / JBoss Clustering team JBoss - a division
> of Red Hat
Manik Surtani
Lead, JBoss Cache
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Email: manik(a)
Telephone: +44 7786 702 706
MSN: manik(a)
Yahoo/AIM/Skype: maniksurtani
17 years, 11 months
JBoss Retro pitfalls
by Manik Surtani
I'm documenting some of the library translation shortcomings with
JBoss Retro 1.0.4.GA (which is in JBC HEAD) as I discover issues.
Until these are fixed in future versions of JBoss Retro, please make
sure you use alternate techniques in your code.
Manik Surtani
Lead, JBoss Cache
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Email: manik(a)
Telephone: +44 7786 702 706
MSN: manik(a)
Yahoo/AIM/Skype: maniksurtani
17 years, 11 months
JBossCache 2.0 Beta2 test code coverage analysis
by Hany Mesha
Hi all,
I have run clover once again. This time against the head branch. I did
2 data points. One was against right before 2.0 Beta1 and the newer one
was done yesterday just before 2.0 Beta2. I used the ant target in the
build all-functionaltests to instrument and capture the code. The first
data point was done on the test suite where the second data point was
performed on the test suite and the source code to be able to see how
much of the source code is actually exercised by the test suite. The
first data point resulted in 91.8% code coverage where as the second
data point resulted in 79.4%.
I also did a gap analysis on the second data point to identify what
test cases and what source files need to be exercised better to improve
the overall coverage. I'm targeting a jump from 79.4 to 90 % before
I invite you to take a look at the following 2 wiki pages for both
data points and see what classes and test cases need to provide more
Data point 1 (pre beta1) :
Data Point 2 (pre beta2) :
On the wiki pages, you'll see the log of my command line test run
(worth noting that I had 14 test cases reported one or more failure or
error). Also, you'll only see the overall summary graph presented. If
you'd like to see the graph details, you can download the detailed HTML
report attached to the wiki page (* and unzip to drill down to
a line level of the test cases or classes.
Finally, I have worked a nice ant build targets for clover that I'd
like to add to the build script if everyone is OK with that. Those build
targets provide clover instrumentation and various reporting formats.
They require adding clover.jar and clover.license to ant-dist directory.
If you don't prefer adding the files for legal reason, I can just add
the targets and they're manual targets anyway and should not interfere
with the automated build but they will be there for future data coverage
Please let me know you comments and thoughts.
Hany M. Mesha
Sr. Software Engineer, Consultant
Novell Identity Management Engineering
Toronto, Canada
Mobile: 416-456-6945
skype: hanymesha
Novell, Inc.
SUSE® Linux Enterprise 10
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17 years, 11 months