This week a community contributor sent me some a very tiny correction to
the POJO Cache documentation (the word you had an additional y, "yyou").
Updating the docs for such a simple fix is a royal pain in the ass, and
required me merging it to 3 different project branches, regenerating
documentation using maven (which failed btw, since maven is a pos, and I
had to update an already released tag), and finally committing the new
docs to the CMS SVN.
This process combined with the unfriendly docbook format basically
discourages the docs from being properly maintained.
IMO a good wiki, like mediawiki, is superior to docbook for community
documentation, since its easy to update, easy to use, and allows
external community members to contribute updates without getting code
svn access.
I think we should move our project docs to something like mediawiki, and
save docbook for situations when you actually want printed documentation
(like EAP).
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat