"richard.opalka(a)jboss.com" wrote : Please read the following doc:
| http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/JAXBIntroductions
| It allows you to do some JAXB customizations and it's config driven. Maybe you will be able to solve your usecase. JBossWS support jaxbintros feature. There are also some tests available in JBossWS source distribution so you can take a look there.
Hrm ... if one could sneak an <xjc:substitutable/> element into the schema that way, that'd be great. I'm guessing from the wiki, though, that Introductions only hooks into schemagen as an alternate annotation reader; can it then do anything an annotation can't? (Otherwise, I don't think Introductions applies here (slick tool nonetheless), since we control all the relevant classes on the server side and can annotate them the old-fashioned way.)
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Hi. I'm having difficulty getting the JBossWS TestSuite to run in Eclipse. I'm using jbossws-3.01-native under 4.2.2GA and was able to build and install jbossws successfully, and run the test from the ant script. I've followed the instructions under 'Setup you IDE' and everything builds fine, but when I try to run any of the tests in Eclipse 3.3.1 I get: "Could not find the main class. Program will exit." The .launch files have been processed correctly from what I can tell, I just can't see what's missing.
Herman Post
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I want to invoke webservice method calls asynchronously through my client (so as not to wait for the response for long time).
I am using the following bindings file and wsimport ant task to accomplish using an example from online source
I tried bindings for that particular node (only one web service WSDL or globally for all WSDL's). Below is with globally with all WSDL's. Either way I am out of luck as asynchronous call is not working. Online sources specify using this on Bindings file.
Please provide any suggestion if you used it with JBOSS4.2.2 with Seam.
custom.xml after xml version name (global bindings used here)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
wsimprot ant task below.
binding dir="" includes="custom.xml" (Above file)
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"claudio_br" wrote :
| You are using:
| os.write(msg.getBytes())
Yes, because my default platform encoding is utf-8 (it applies to the call)
"claudio_br" wrote :
| Please, try using jbossws 2.0.0.GA to same wsdl, should work.
| Try use POST of jbossws 2.0.0.GA in your test code.
I don't know that you mean :( I was no able to reproduce your 501 problem with JBossWS 3.0.1 why I should try to reproduce it with JBossWS 2.0.0 GA when you say it works?
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