Is there a simple mechanism (System property, log file configuration, etc) to allow me to log the actual XML message being sent and received? I see bits and pieces of the XML dealing with the actual request, but nothing related to the SOAPEnvelope etc.
I'm actually having a problem where if my SOAP request fails if it isn't prefixed by <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>. So the following works:
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:web="http://bigfix.dev.nexgennow.com:80/webreports?wsdl">
| <soapenv:Header/>
| <soapenv:Body>
| <web:GetRelevanceResult>
| <web:relevanceExpr>?</web:relevanceExpr>
| <web:username>?</web:username>
| <web:password>?</web:password>
| </web:GetRelevanceResult>
| </soapenv:Body>
| </soapenv:Envelope>
Do I need to resort to a packet sniffer or proxy to check whether the "<?..." is included in the message?
Thanks and Regards,
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"claudio_br" wrote : Completing the my last post, I am using a Windows machine and you a Unix machine. The default file-encoding are different. Because of this you can got error 500.
| Please read my last post too.
| Thanks
I don't think the problem is related to unix vs. windows.
Maybe it's related to the machine default encoding.
Please, try to specify -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 on client side when executing the client via java command
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I guess you found your answer one year ago, but posting it as it appears as one of the first results when you google "JAXB can't handle interfaces".
It can occur when you try to marshall/unmarshall with Java classes containing members that are not declared static, and which (or one of their own members) don't have a non-arg constructor. For example a logger, or a JAXB Marshaller object that has a ValidationEventHandler with no non-arg constructor. Then JAXB tries to marshall/unmarshall them and fails with the above error message.
Just set them as 'static' and the problem should go.
If it doesn't resolve your problem, it can be more tricky with concerns about your web service document style. Take a look here:
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