i tried to not throw exceptions to see what happens and now i have the same
problem as when i used axis.
javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: HTTP Status-Code 405: HTTP method POST is not supported
by this URL
this is what i do in the client:
| URL wsdlURL = null;
| try {
| wsdlURL = new
| } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
| // TODO Auto-generated catch block
| e1.printStackTrace();
| }
| QName serviceName = new
| Service service = Service.create(wsdlURL, serviceName);
| SesionEndPointInterface sesionSession =
| System.out.println("0000002 SFWSI Kike --->Creado Servicio ,
sessionSession ->" + sesionSession.toString() );
| System.out.println("0000002 SFWSI Kike --->Creado Servicio , service
->" + service.toString() );
| BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider)sesionSession;
| Map<String, Object> reqContext = bindingProvider.getRequestContext();
| reqContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
| reqContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "kermit");
| reqContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "thefrog");
| try{
| // System.out.println("Conectando con... " + DataConexion.getServer() +
": " + DataConexion.getServerPort());
| FicheroLog.writeIncidencia("Conectando con... " +
DataConexion.getServer() + ": " + DataConexion.getServerPort());
| loginVO = sesionSession.loginUsuario(idEmpresa, login, password, session);
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