In the EJB3 topic
I've been told to create a separate topic in this forum regarding one of my problems.
According to JEE 5 specification
injection should work not only in servlets, but also in web services, but it doesn't
in JBoss 5.1.x.
Example code for a web service (works in other containers, like GlassFish, WebLogic):
| @WebService
| public class Ws2Stateless
| {
| @EJB private StatelessSession sless;
| @WebMethod
| public String sayHello( @WebParam(name="yourName") String name )
| {
| return "Greeting from StatelessSessionBean: " + sless.sayHello(name);
| }
| }
This example is based on an example from Sun (I can supply a complete example application
that shows the problem).
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