Hi Sergio,
I don't want to start a flame, just need to understand how to move to further improve
the jbossws docs (which, btw, improved a lot since 1 year ago).
"smmartins" wrote :
| - changed several JBoss libs from place
Do you mean what is explained here?
http://jbws.dyndns.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Installation (section "Using
JBossWS Native with JDK 6)
anonymous wrote :
| - Found two really useful web pages:
| -
The fast introduction to the WS world is covered in the pages belonging to this wiki
The development strategies using the tools as well as the client generation and run steps
are described here
Do you think something is missing? (maybe a page for real
beginners-who-don't-want-to-read-lots-of-pages with a super-slim walkthrough?) Or you
did not find those pages, so they should be better advertised / more easily reachable from
the doc home page?
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