I could try to test on ServiceMix 5 that embeds Karaf 2.3.4, but for my
concrete project, the customer current platform uses a ServiceMix 4.5.3
which is not really possible to change today while many other modules are
already deployed.
Did you try in your environment the test project that I attached yesterday
? There is a rule in the project with an "accumulate" that generates java
code that is not compiled because of missing indirect dependancy despite of
the Import-Package that I've copied from your examples. Hence my idea of a
"proxy" classloader between Drools and its compiler and the classloader
provided by the application bundle, and avoid the dynamic import that
breaks the good practices...
2014-05-21 11:48 GMT+02:00 Charles Moulliard <ch007m(a)gmail.com>:
If you look to my example posted previously there are no issues. Can
make a test using just Apache Karaf 2.3.x with Drools 6.1.0.Beta3 and tell
me what happen. Which JDK do you sue ?
On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Ephemeris Lappis <
ephemeris.lappis(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> Although without much conviction, I've tried the
> "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.7", but it doesn't change
> compilation level of the rules...
> As I said in a previous answer, I don't know exactly how to do it, but I
> think the solution may be in the way that Drools takes the classloader
> passed by the application to have access to specific classes like the
> usually imported beans used in the rules. Indeed, perhaps that instead of
> using directly this classloader, for its tasks, among of them the rules
> compilation, it should be possible to use some kind of enriched
> classloader
> that carries all the Drools needed packages, and delegates application
> classes resolution to the application's one.
> What do you think of that ?
> Regards.
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Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Architect @RedHat
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