On 2013/1/15 2:55, vadlam wrote:
Thank You for confirming the issue.
The scenario I am having is as such.
the first time Guvnor 5.4.0.final in Tomcat 7 is started, I am able to
connect to both webdav folders and also through a java client using basic
but when I disconnect the web folders connection after a while, I can no
longer get access to the packages through the java client or reconnect the
webdav folders again unless I restart Tomcat.
does this issue seem to be similar or close as what you have created the bug
for ?
Hi Ram,
I've updated
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GUVNOR-1986 with a
how-to-reproduce section. No, what I have observed is different from
yours, webdav can not be connected from the very beginning. The root
cause of the problem is the authentication info (username/pwd) didnt get
passed into authenticator correctly. I've tested this problem on
Windows, but your mileage may vary if you are using a different webdav
client. The most crucial thing to check is, it must be a same problem if
you see following exception from the server log:
INFO 15-01 09:49:07,499 (DemoAuthenticator.java:authenticate:54) Demo lo
gin for user (null) failed: unsupported username/credential.
WARN 15-01 09:49:07,499 (AuthorizationHeaderChecker.java:loginByHeader:65)
Unable to authenticate for rest api: null
Please let me know if I have not been clear enough in explaining my
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