You can read in a DRL with a DSL and dump to XML, where the XML does not
need the DSL file as its already reduced to pure DRL.
Nirmal.R wrote:
I need more explanation and help on this. I've got a demo to show
in another
10 days. I'll tell you what exactly i'm trying to do and tell me whether it
will work or not
1. The developer creates the dsl file i.e mapping natural language with the
conditions and consequence
2. The Business user now should be able to config and manage rules through a
3. Now i'm trying to develop a simple GUI.I was indeed waiting for your GUI
but i'm facing a deadline.
4. I'll display the natural language expression to the user and the user
will choose and manage rules
5. Now why i need xml is i can write the condition whatever the user chooses
inside <lhs> and consequence insde <rhs> and use the XMLDumper to get the
actual .drl
6. i thought i should use expander tag for the the compiler to understand
but is not available.
I still think XML is the easy way out. I need your help.
thank you
Michael Neale wrote:
> There is no XML format for that - it uses a properties file convention.
> On 1/25/07, Nirmal.R <rgbnirmal(a)> wrote:
>> hi,
>> How do i specify expander in XML rule file.
>> thank you
>> Nirmal
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