classloading issue when trying to add envers to as7
by Strong Liu
Hi there,
first of all, I have finished this task, and test pass.
but :), i have to make the following changes, i'd like to hear you guys' thoughts before i go to much away.
1. adding envers into org.hibernate module in as7, so user's app can see both hibernate and envers class
(with an separate envers module i ran into some cycle dependency issue)
2. envers throws "listeners were not registed" exception, means hibernate's IntegratorServiceImpl can't see envers class/resource
[View More]IntegratorServiceImpl is using java.util.ServiceLoader#load(Class<S> service), which internally using TCCL, (I think)
that's the reason why core can't see envers' integrator.
so, i created a custom ServiceLoader which use ClassLoaderService to find the integrator, but this doesn't work either.
since, we need org.hibernate.service.classloading.internal.ClassLoaderServiceImpl#locateResources first (META-INF/services/org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator) and ClassLoaderServiceImpl using resourceClassLoader to do this.
by default, resourceClassLoader is set to applicationClassLoader in ClassLoaderServiceImpl.
then, i changed IntegratorServiceImpl to use java.util.ServiceLoader#load(Class<S> service, IntegratorServiceImpl.class.getClassLoader()
), test pass, but this of course is not the fix.
so, i changed the custom ServiceLoader to use classLoaderService to locateResources first, and using ServiceLoader.class.getClassLoader() to reload the resource again.
here are the changes:
Strong Liu <stliu(a)>
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13 years, 7 months
Interested in helping a research study on Eclipse?
by Mohsen Vakilian
I'm Mohsen, a PhD student working with Prof. Ralph Johnson at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Ralph is
a co-author of the seminal book on design patterns (GoF) and his research group has a history of important contributions to
Our team [1] is studying how developers interact with the Eclipse IDE for evolving and maintaining their code. We are extending
this invitation to expert Java developers and would greatly appreciate and value your participation and …
[View More]help in our research
study. We know that some of you use IntelliJ IDEA to contribute to Hibernate. And, we're sending an invitation to this mailing
list just in case some of you use Eclipse for contributing to open source projects.
To participate you should be at least 18 years old and use Eclipse Helios for Java development. As a participant, we ask that
you complete a short survey and install our Eclipse plug-in called CodingSpectator [2].
CodingSpectator monitors programming interactions non-intrusively in the background and periodically uploads it to a secure
server at UIUC. To get a representative perspective of how you interact with Eclipse, we would appreciate if you could install
CodingSpectator for two months. Rest assured that we are taking the utmost measures to protect your privacy and
If you are interested, you may sign up at <>, which contains our consent form
with all the details and procedures of our research study.
Your participation will help us greatly as we try to better understand how developers interact with their IDE's so we can propose
improvements which fit better with their mindsets.
Thanks in advance for your time! Please do not hesitate to contact me (mvakili2(a) if you have any questions or
comments. More information can also be found at our FAQ [3]. Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be
interested in participating in this study.
Mohsen Vakilian
& the CodingSpectator team
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13 years, 8 months
Deprecating or removing entirely HashtableCacheProvider?
by Emmanuel Bernard
I always die a little when I see someone using HashtableCacheProvider.
What do you think of removing it entirely. Worse case, we could provide an implementation that is backed by ConcurrentHashMap but even with that, we would get no eviction policy etc.
13 years, 8 months
Hibernate Development Environment
by Thamayanthi Guhan
Hi Everyone,
I have downloaded the hibernate 3.6 code from git. I had few problem which
i have corrected problem as I am using windows environment. Environment:
Windows Vista, 64bit, Eclipse Galieo. The problem which i faced was gradle
script hibernate-distribution project failing when
${project.basedir} replaced with actual as windows placing path with "\"
than "/". So while running throws exception invalid character. To fix that
problem i modified the file with original path than ${…
[View More]project.basedir}.
Do I to use only Linux environment to work on development activity?
Please help me.
[View Less]
13 years, 8 months
Static constants in org.hibernate.engine.internal.Versioning
by Gail Badner
I just ran into an issue where EntityBinding.getOptimisticLockMode() returns an ordinal from a org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLockType enum that is inconsistent with the static constants in org.hibernate.engine.internal.Versioning.
Jira issue:
I'm not clear on what conventions there are for enums that are source-specific.
My preference would be to:
1) Extract the static constants for version type from org.hibernate.…
[View More]engine.internal.Versioning into a new enum that is an SPI, org.hibernate.engine.spi.OptimisticLockMode.
2) Change EntityBinding.getOptimisticLockMode() and EntityBindingState.getOptimisticLockMode() to return org.hibernate.engine.spi.OptimisticLockMode.
3) Change sources to be responsible for converting from a source-specific value to org.hibernate.engine.spi.OptimisticLockMode.
In the same vein, I see there is org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.CascadeType, which is not source-specific. In that class, there's a TODO to integrate it with org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle.
I also see that AttributeBindingState.getCascadeTypes() returns Set<CascadeType>.
My preference would be to remove org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.CascadeType and to change AttributeBindingState.getCascadeTypes() and AbstractAttributeBinding.getCascadeTypes() to:
org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle getCascadeStyle();
[View Less]
13 years, 9 months
Re: [hibernate-dev] [seam-dev] Hibernate Search Module
by George Gastaldi
IMHO, it makes more sense to belong to Hibernate Search than in the
Persistence Module
2011/6/27 Jason Porter <>
> Pete had mentioned it should belong in Hibernate Search as a CDI
> integration instead of Seam.
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 15:27, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak(a)> wrote:
>> **
>> This belongs in the persistence module, we need to coordinate with Stuart
>> and Emmanuel to determine how we get it in …
[View More]there (I don't think it will be
>> much work).
>> Shane
>> On 28/06/11 05:19, Jason Porter wrote:
>> We just finished having a meeting about a Hibernate Search Module (
>> One of the questions we need answered is where this module should live. If
>> we want it part of Hibernate Search or if it should have the Seam name and
>> branding along with it. What are your thoughts on this? Please see the
>> minutes for ideas that were discussed.
>> --
>> Jason Porter
>> Software Engineer
>> Open Source Advocate
>> Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
>> PGP key id: 926CCFF5
>> PGP key available at:,
>> _______________________________________________
>> seam-dev mailing listseam-dev@lists.jboss.org
> --
> Jason Porter
> Software Engineer
> Open Source Advocate
> Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
> PGP key id: 926CCFF5
> PGP key available at:,
> _______________________________________________
> seam-dev mailing list
> seam-dev(a)
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13 years, 9 months
thanks contributors
by Strong Liu
as an open source project, we have been getting lots of help from community, many people report bugs, suggest new features, provide patches and so on.
we really appreciated that.
so, i'm thinking we can add a THANKS file in the root of project to identify contributions of people. and eventually, we can create a page on that lists all hibernate contributors.
what do you think?
Strong Liu <stliu(a)>
13 years, 9 months