Should we support out of date non-LTS Java versions?
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
I just tested if we still need the dependency to
'javax.activation:javax.activation-api:1.2.0' from Hibernate ORM /
master, as I was suspecting the original reasons to add it might be
out of date.
I guessed almost right, as it turns out we don't need this dependency
for Java 11, nor it was ever needed for Java 8 either: it was
introduced to solve a specific Java 9 compatibility issue.
I verified it's still needed for Java 9 compatibility. Personally that
makes me think I'd rather …
[View More]remove the dependency, people should no
longer use Java 9;
Java 9 has been "out of support" since a while now: I expect people to
either be on the latest stable release Java 11 - or on the previous
stable release aka Java 8 (others might be toying with 12 and/or 13
but that's not relevant).
Clearly since we have no more 5.x minor releases planned, I'm thinking
of dropping a JVM version in a micro (!) - but considering this is an
unsupported non-LTS JVM I'm not considering this to be an outrageous
idea as we'd normally treat such a suggestion.
Please don't take this as nitpicking about removing a single
dependecy: that's easy enough for people to ignore and workaround by
re-adding it explicitly; it's more important to focus on us creating a
clear policy for the future.
Can we establish how we'll treat support for any other future
non-Long-Term-Support JVM version?
Next time we might have a more tricky issue, and I think we should
make our intentions and policy clear so to have freedom to drop
support for experimental Java releases as we see fit, provided they
are out of date.
I couldn't test JDK 10 - but that doesn't matter as the details of
this specific issue are irrelevant to the main point of agreeing on a
general policy.
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6 years, 1 month
Upgrading Hibernate Causes null index column for collection error for List
by Amit Shah
We are trying to upgrade hibernate from version 4.3.5 to 5.4.0. With this
the jpa version also changes from hibernate-jpa-2.1 to jpa-2.2. After the
upgrade we get the following error when using the List<> collection with
"javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException:
null index column for collection"
It is a unidirectional one-to-mapping with following annotations
@Entity@Table(name = "DS_GENERIC")@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name =
"DSG_DS_ID")public …
[View More]class GenericConnection extends
DataSourceConnection {
@OneToMany(cascade = ALL, orphanRemoval = true, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "DSC_DS_ID", nullable = false)
@OrderColumn(name = "DSC_ORDER", updatable = false, insertable = false)
List<Credentials> credentials = new ArrayList<>();
@Entity@Table(name = "DS_CREDENTIALS")public class Credentials {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "uid-generator")
@Column(name = "DSC_ID", updatable = false)
private Long id;
The below test code fails
//construct the connection object with credentials
entityManager.find(DataSourceConnection.class, id); //this call fails
with the above error
Note that this code worked fine with hibernate 4.3.5 and one workaround
that also works is converting List to Set as below
@OneToMany(cascade = ALL, orphanRemoval = true, fetch =
FetchType.EAGER)@JoinColumn(name = "DSC_DS_ID", nullable =
false)@OrderBy("DSC_ID")Set<Credentials> credentials = new
I do not understand the root cause of this failure. Any inputs would be
P.S - I have posted this query on stackoverflow too
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6 years, 1 month
JDK 12: First Release Candidate available
by Rory O'Donnell
Hi Sanne,
**OpenJDK builds *- JDK 12 Early Access build 32 **is now available **at
: -*
**JDK 12: First Release Candidate [1]**
* Per the JDK 12 schedule [2], we are now in Release Candidate Phase.
* The stabilization repository, jdk/jdk12, is open for P1 bug fixes
per the JDK Release Process (JEP 3) [3].
* All changes require approval via the Fix-Request Process [4].
Release note additions since last email
Build 31 - can_pop_frame …
[View More]and can_force_early_return capabilities
are disabled if JVMCI compiler is used (JDK-8218025
<>) The JVMTI
|can_pop_frame| and |can_force_early_return| capabilities are
disabled if a JVMCI compiler (like Graal) is used. As a result
the corresponding functionality (|PopFrame| and
|ForceEarlyReturnXXX| functions) is not available to JVMTI
agents. This issue is being fixed via JDK-8218885
o Build 28: JDK-8212233
<> : javadoc
fails on jdk12 with "The code being documented uses modules but
the packages defined in $URL are in the unnamed module."
* Changes in this build.
**OpenJDK builds *- JDK 13 Early Access build 8 is **now available **at
: -*
* These early-access, open-source builds are provided under the
o GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath
Exception <>.
* Release Notes updates
* Build 8
o GraphicsEnvironment.getCenterPoint()/getMaximumWindowBounds()
are unified across the platforms (JDK-8214918
o The experimental FIPS 140 compliant mode has been removed from
the SunJSSE provider. (JDK-8217835
* Build 7
o Change DOM parser to not resolve EntityReference and add Text
node with
(JDK-8206132 <>)
* Build 6
o Base64.Encoder and Base64.Decoder methods can throw
OutOfMemoryError (JDK-8210583
* Changes in this build
* FOSS Bugs fixed in recent builds
o Build 6 : JDK-8216970
<> : condy
causes JVM crash
o Build 7: JDK-8215577
<> : Remove
javadoc support for HTML 4
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland
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6 years, 1 month
Goodbye HipChat, hello Zulip!
by Yoann Rodiere
As you may already know, HipChat Cloud will cease to operate in about ten
days. We need a replacement for our real-time chat, and we chose Zulip.
An instance has been set up and configured. You can sign up and login with
the link below; please do!
Zulip takes an opinionated approach to chat, so you are encouraged to read
Please keep in mind that Zulip will only subscribe you to the
[View More]hibernate-user stream by default, so you need to subscribe explicitly to
other streams you are interested in (hibernate-orm-dev, ...).
If you need to test Zulip features, you can use the "sandbox" stream, which
is there exactly for this purpose.
If you have any questions, please let me know - on Zulip, of course. Or if
you have trouble connecting, you can always send me an email. Please avoid
HipChat or Gitter, though, for obvious reasons ;)
Yoann Rodière
Hibernate NoORM Team
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6 years, 1 month
Survey for Research on Lambda Expressions
Dear Hibernate devs,
I'm a researcher from UZH and my team and I are conducting a study on
Lambda Expressions and Functional Interface in APIs.Hibernate project is
one of our targets and we would gather some information and opinion about
this topic from you. So I would be really happy if you filled the survey at
the following link:
Kind Regards, Fernando Petrulio.
6 years, 1 month