You assume the hibernate app is always running in a container that
supports that.
But, by definition, Hibernate is not required to be running in any kind
of container environment - it is designed to be able to run even in a
simple J2SE environment.
As such, it should not solely rely on its environment to do this kind of
thing. It should have some configurable way to enable its statistics
MBean for those times when there is no other way to do so.
Elias Ross wrote:
Spring and a lot of other containers like JBoss's Microcontainer
it pretty easy to deploy the statistics MBean.
E.g. in Spring:
<bean id="hibernateStatisticsService"
<property name="sessionFactory">
<bean factory-bean="entityManagerFactory"
<bean id="jmxBeanExporter"
<property name="beans">
<entry key=":type=HibernateStatisticsService"
<property name="server" ref="platformMBeanServer"/>
Probably it's more of a documentation issue to explain to users how to
do this than to provide a configuration facility.
I don't see this as hard as a user.