Hi Steve,
On 02 Nov 2015, at 16:16, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)hibernate.org>
Any further thoughts?
I looked over the link you gave in regards to literals, but did not fully understand.
I'd prefer this follow some "escape syntax" form, beyond that maybe you
could just enumerate the literal types you'd want to support and their formats.
Spatial literals would be really nice to have, but then it is best to have also spatial
functions in the grammar. So let’s try to add them. The escape syntax form is OK for me.
We can have something like ‘{gm ‘SRID=4326;POINT(4.6 52.1)’}’ for a geometry literal.
How do we proceed? Do I write something up informally? Or is there a formalism you prefer?
ALso, I have not seen any discussion around "boolean-function-expressions as
predicates" on SQM-15…
I’ll add some comments on that issue.