For various reasons I need to cut a second CR for 4.3. I will do that
release on Thursday the 5th.
Prior to that I need to make sure that both the JPA TCK and the
persistence portions of the EE TCK (within WidlFly) pass; trouble is
that the jobs which run the persistence portions of the EE TCK currently
can take up to 24 hours to complete. Part of the problem is that they
sit in queue for a long time in a very overwhelmed CI environment; part
is that they just take a long time.
So I really need all pushes that need to go into this CR2 to be pushed
to the upstream GitHub repo within the next few hours. That will give
us time to run the TCK jobs and verify the results (and fix any
regressions with time to re-run the TCK jobs, should there be any
regressions). I said I would do the release on the 5th; if the first
TCK runs complete in time and all succeed, I may try to release tomorrow
(the 4th).
So with all that in mind, I am asking that any pushes going into CR2
happen within in 2 hours (before 6pm Eastern US time today, Dec 3rd).
Also, I am asking that no pushes happen to upstream master from this
point on until after CR2 release is done.
Sorry for the restrictions, but understand that this is special set of
releases due to JPA 2.1 testing and certification.