I would look to implement the security deployer as one that:
- Created a child component for the JaccPolicy on the top-level deployment
- for each deployment context with security metdata that affects the JaccPolicy(and the top-level deployment may apply as in the case of standalone ejb jars, wars), either augment the JaccPolicy metadata, or create another pojo for the jacc permissions that need to link to the JaccPolicy.
The first step is to define the pojos and metadata needed to introduce a jacc security policy into a standalone mc deployment, and then come back to how to integrate these into the jbossas deployments.
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anonymous wrote : The ServiceMetaData example does not apply. Each ServiceMetaData instance is associated with a component deployment, a type of DeploymentUnit that has no children. DeploymentUnit component is structurally related to the owning deployment unit (a ServiceDeployment for a ServiceMetaData), and each service is a child component deployment unit with a single ServiceMetaData.
Explain this in the context of the Security Deployer.
Eg:I have a top level deployment, an ear file. Now how does one create the JaccPolicy service bean (the Security Deployer can create it). But how does it add it to the deployment unit? What really needs to happen here.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3992865#3992865
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