[Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: ESB Monitoring and Metrics : what should be monitored?
by mark.little@jboss.com
We're really talking about runtime management/governance aspects. That does encapsulate monitoring as well, because in order to manage, you need to know what's going on ;-)
The sorts of things I'd like us to see be able to do include:
What services are deployed?
How long have they been available
CBR information
- What rules have been triggered and how often?
- What messages have not been delivered and why?
Service lifecycle
- Start/stop/suspend/resume
General monitoring
- Number of failed requests and why e.g., endpoint down versus message incompatibility
- Number of messages through a service
- Time for responses
Supported message set
Supported message exchange pattern
- what transforms have been triggered
- time to do a transform (cross referenced with message size)
A lot of this can then be cross referenced to determine things like service/network bottlenecks, availability issues, application deployment problems, scalability requirements etc.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4050443#4050443
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17 years, 7 months