[Design of Clustering on JBoss (Clusters/JBoss)] - Exception Handling between Jboss 3.2.6 & JBoss4.0.5GA
by Anandnatraj
Do we have any difference in the way the Exception are handled with Jboss3.2.6 and JBoss4.0.5GA? I have one scenario where from the Program I am throwing the SystemException Manually but the exception message thrown seems to be different..
1. Complete Step 1 (WIth one transaction)
Status: data are changed in accordance with Step1 usecase
2. Complete Step2 (With new transaction). We are throwing System Exception manually.
In jboss-3.2.6
Step1 started with new transaction and process gets committed since no system exception is thrown.
Step2 started with new transaction but gets rolled back since System Exception thrown and also further execution stops. This behavior is as expected
In jboss-4.0.5.GA
Step 1started with new transaction and process gets committed since no system exception is thrown.
In Sample Prep Conversion Call type while getting rollback because of system exception ?java.lang.IllegalStateException: setRollbackOnly() not allowed without a transaction? is thrown. Seems the transaction is not created.
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17 years, 4 months
[Design of Clustering on JBoss (Clusters/JBoss)] - Re: Handling cluster state when network partitions occur
by bstansberry@jboss.com
The "merge state" approach gets another wrinkle when you factor in buddy replication"
1) Good. If you're holding buddy backup data for a node that wasn't in your subpartition (i.e. D has A's backup data when the split was {A B C} {D E}) then when you get the MergeView and you see A was still there, you should be able to safely discard your old backup of A's data.
2) Bad. With total replication, the subpartition coordinators can handle the state merging task, since they have a copy of all the data (e.g. A and D could compare state). With buddy replication, everyone has to reconcile with all nodes in the foreign partition, since any one of them could have become an owner of data during the split (D reconciles with A,B,C; E reconciles with A,B,C).
The above is not the same when data partitioning is used instead of buddy replication. Since the goal is to replace BR with data partitioning, maybe we will end not having to worry about the BR wrinkles. :)
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4079750#4079750
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17 years, 4 months
[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - JBMICROCONT-204, isX getter
by scott.stark@jboss.org
boolean1, read: public boolean javabean.BeanWithState.isBoolean1(), write: public void javabean.BeanWithState.setBoolean1(boolean)
boolean2, read: null, write: public void javabean.BeanWithState.setBoolean2(java.lang.Boolean)
I ran into this testing the jca managed objects. The isX form of a getter is not considered for java.lang.Boolean properties, only the primitive boolean type. This apparently is from the javabeans spec (which is old):
"javabeans 1.0.1" wrote :
| 8.3.2 Boolean properties
| In addition, for boolean properties, we allow a getter method to match the pattern:
| public boolean is();
| This ?is? method may be provided instead of a ?get? method, or it may be provided in addition to a ?get? method.
| In either case, if the ?is? method is present for a boolean property then we will use the ?is? method to read the property value.
| An example boolean property might be:
| public boolean isMarsupial();
| public void setMarsupial(boolean m);
With autoboxing it seems like java.lang.Boolean should also be treated this way as I can use a primitive field without having to explicitly convert it to a Boolean:
| class Bean
| {
| boolean marsupial;
| public Boolean isMarsupial();
| public void setMarsupial(Boolean m);
| }
| // user code
| boolean flag = bean.isMarsupial();
We are explicitly disallowing the isX getter to be found for a java.lang.Boolean property in AbstractBeanInfoFactory. Was there a problem with allowing this?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4079731#4079731
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17 years, 4 months