[Design of JBoss/Tomcat Integration] - Re: Tomcat Deployer is wrong in JBoss Head
by adrian@jboss.org
The first step doesn't need to be very complicated.
We just need to logically seperate the deployment chain
from the runtime.
Migrating to POJOs isn't a requirement.
You can leave all the classes in the jbossweb.deployer deployment
for now, there's no need to seperate immediately runtime classes from deployment
If you look at jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployer-beans.xml
it contains a number of deployers but these mix the deployment process
with the runtime.
What we want is a
1) deployers/jbossweb.deployer
that is just the deployers and handles the metadata (constructing ServiceMetaData
for the individual web apps)
2) deploy/jbossweb
this is the runtime that the mbeans above get deployed into
In more detail, the current deployers are
1) WebAppParsingDeployer
Ok, this parses the web.xml to create a WebMetaData
2) JBossWebAppParsingDeployer
Adds the jboss-web.xml to the WebMetaData (again ok, except the loader repository
stuff which shouldn't be in the parsing layer)
3) WebAppClusteringDefaultsDeployer
This is ok. It just modifies the WebMetaData to add defaults
4) WebAppClusteringDependencyDeployer
Again just modifies the metadata to add dependencies that will later be used
by the mbean deployment
5) WarDeployer
This is what is wrong. It does at least two things
5a) It configures Tomcat
5b) It creates the ServiceMetaData that represent web deployments
My guess is that it also handles some of the runtime process of that
ServiceMetaData as well?
Instead what should happen is that the runtime processing
(configuration of the connectors and the other bits associated
Tomcat's runtime in the server.xml) should be in deploy/jboss-web
as a seperate service.
The MBean that gets constructed from the ServiceMetaData
will interact with this seperate runtime.
In summary, the deployers should just be deailing with the metadata
{jboss-}web.xml -> WebMetaData -> ServiceMetaData
this ServiceMetaData will then desribe a WebDeployment MBean
that will interact with the runtime services to create the actual WAR.
Once that is done, we will no longer neded to pull lots of services
like the transaction manager or the CachedConnectionManager into
the bootstrap just to satisfy the Tomcat deployer's dependency on them.
The clustering part of the WAR deployment has it correct,
in that the dependencies are just names (not implementation)
that will be satiisfied when those services are deployed.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4124067#4124067
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16 years, 11 months
[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: ProfileService shutdown and undeploy order
by sacha.labourey@jboss.com
"bstansberry(a)jboss.com" wrote : The HAPartition bean is just doing this in stopService():
| ctx = new InitialContext();
| ctx.unbind(boundName);
| In startService() it's more complicated, but essentially creates a new default InitialContext and does a rebind. So, no accessing a different dependency in stopService().
| The bean has a depends on jboss:service=NamingService.
BTW, maybe we should have a notion of implicit services applied to multiple inner-services i.e. a wrapping tag applied to multiple inner-service definitions so that it would be possible to assign global "services" (or default services) en masse. Things like the naming service for example, while a singleton today, might not be a a singleton anymore tomorrow (if we want to make JBoss AS 5.x a "multi-tenant" implementation i.e. SaaS hosting infrastructure for example).
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4124048#4124048
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16 years, 11 months
[Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Class loading debugging
by adrian@jboss.org
"scott.stark(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| "adrian(a)jboss.org" wrote :
| | There's no such thing in general. If the policy is a VFSClassLoaderPolicy
| | then you can ask what its VFS roots are and you could ask what other policies
| | it can see that are VFSClassLoaderPolicys or URLClassLoaders.
| | But the new classloading system has been designed to be flexible.
| | There's no direct dependency of URLs/VFS etc. Somebody can implement
| | a policy how they want.
| It should not explicitly be URL[], just String[]. In general there needs to be some notion of a classpath. It might be an sql query, who knows, but some generic view should be possible.
We can ask each ClassLoaderPolicy to implement a getURLs() for management
purposes. For deployment generated classloaders its really just the same as
getClassPath() on the deployment unit. But that doesn't mean that something
should use those URLs as a classpath.
Parts of the filesystem the url represents could be filtered out
1) your excluded packages example
2) the OSGi uses constraint where a deployment may contain jms.jar
but declare it as "uses". i.e. it will actually use our jms classes
3) for importAll, a previously deployed classloader may mask some classes
if they appear in two classloaders (only the first gets used)
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4124043#4124043
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4124043
16 years, 11 months