[Deployers on JBoss (Deployers/JBoss)] - Re: Remoting 3 deployers
by scott.stark@jboss.org
You really should start from your metadata view and pojos with their plugins described as javabean setters that will map to dependency injections.
A parsing deployer translates whatever xml view of your metadata you want into the metadata, and another deployer translates this into KernelDeployment/BeanMetaData or ServiceDeployment/ServiceMetaData descriptions of the runtime components that should be created. This includes dependencies between the components and other services they rely on.
The ServiceDeployment/ServiceMetaData is the simplest because its a simple mbean. However, it does not integrate well with aop, has other limitations, and its not the best deployer to look at as it keeps the service.xml dom element around and implements its own component model.
One of the examples that should come out of the jbw talk Ales and I are doing is an example of a parsing deployer that produces some metadata from a custom xml/jaxb model, a AbstractComponentDeployer/AbstractSimpleRealDeployer pair that translates this into KernelDeployment/BeanMetaData for wiring by the mc deployers.
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16 years, 11 months