[Design of POJO Server] - Re: Clustered DeploymentRepository for 5.1
by emuckenhuber
I introduced a "applications" profile in trunk. But there is still one change to DeploymentManager outstanding.
Basically concerning loadProfile(ProfileKey, boolean allowHotDeployments).
I think the client should not be able to specify allowHotDeployments. Therefore the profileKey should be enough.
Furthermore there is now a defaultApplicationsKey - specifying the default profile where to deploy applications.
This would mean that in case you do loadProfile(new ProfileKey(ProfileKey.DEFAULT) - it will use this profile.
I've also introduced a MutableProfile, but it's basically used by default everywhere - i still need to implement that better. But this will happen most likely after beta1.
So what i would like to do is that only for MutableProfiles a deploymenRepository is required (because of the DeploymentManager). For an immutable profile this is therefore not needed. So we would also have some different implementations of a Profile then.
But i'm not really sure how this would affect your work?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4214120#4214120
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15 years, 10 months
[Design of OSGi Integration] - Re: Runtime and bundle lifecycle/dependency resolution
by alesj
When Bundle is put to resolved state is not defined by the spec.
e.g. Felix does it like this
anonymous wrote :
| [20:36:06] Ales Justin says: Bundle A depends on Bundle B
| [20:36:06] Ales Justin says: I 1st deploy A
| [20:36:26] Ales Justin says: so, Bundle a = bundleContext.installBundle(urlA);
| [20:36:32] Ales Justin says: its state is INSTALLED
| [20:36:39] Ales Justin says: I install B
| [20:36:48] Ales Justin says: is A's state then resolved?
| [20:37:05] Richard S Hall says: It is up to the framework, but for Felix, no.
| [20:37:34] Richard S Hall says: The framework can decide to resolve at any time it wants.
| [20:37:49] Richard S Hall says: For Felix, we wait for a start or an explicit resolve via PackageAdmin.
So, I think we should try to make usage of impl details,
exposed over our spi - if possible.
In the worst case, use PackageAdmin - which is extension to core api.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4214111#4214111
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4214111
15 years, 10 months